Every Tangle Media site is built upon our proven “Telegraph” framework. This is a Content Management System which combines effortless management with the power to deliver millions of page views per year. Telegraph has been in continuous development since 2005. Now in it’s eighth version, it is a mature and stable piece of software.
Because every line of code in the system was written by Tangle Media, our clients can be assured that any change request and every fine detail can be incorporated into their site.
Telegraph allows new pages to be added or removed at any time, and automatically handles associated tasks like building menus and managing search results. Images, files, charts (etc) can then be pinned to these pages to build rich content. Customized modules can be created to manage data specific to your organization, which can then be pinned, searched, managed, and administered using the same controls as for each other type of data. It’s an easy, effective, and consistent way to manage a website.
Telegraph provides robust administrative tools including multiple users, with extremely detailed permission control, as well as activity logging. Site statistics are gathered in both coarse and fine detail, and Google Analytics integration is also provided for. Authorized users can generate a full site backup at any time in one click.
The plugin based architecture ensures that every Tangle Media site is fully scalable so that new tools or applications can be built in at any time. An existing library of tools exists ranging from video, to social media, to surveys, charts, shopping tools, auctions, and more.